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What Inspired Me to Be a Food Blogger

It's been written that 10,000 hours working in a given industry makes you an expert. Well, if that's true, then I'm a Master. Having worked for over a decade in food, whether behind a Cheese Counter, inside a Cellar, or beside a Table. I've done it. Each position I've held as provided me a deeper understanding of not just food, but the human experience. It's the connections and community that I've found alongside the amazing food that we eat and beverages we drink that continue to inspire me.


In short, you are the reason I write. The guests who have graced and enriched my life. The colleagues who work so very hard every day to provide beautiful and unique experiences. The producers who dedicate their lives to their craft. So much of the history, culture and passion that goes into how we eat is still hidden from view. Allow me to take you on journeys that will open your eyes to some of the secrets. These insights will allow you to make the most of the time and money you spend eating and drinking out.

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